Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 2 of the installation of the new windows

The guys had to take off early to install a window for someone else.  That means that 3 windows will need to be completed on January 4th on the sides of the house.  But here are the pictures of the current state of the house and it looks great to me.

 The new windows really brighten up the front of the house and it will look even better when we change the rest of the colors to something with a little more pop to it.
 I wasn't sure if anyone could see RenoLab in yesterdays photos or the one above so I figured I would give you a closeup.
 The guys couldn't cap off the top window and said that they have to rent a ladder to get up that high to finish that work.
The windows on the side bay are done as crank-outs which should help us get some air flow into the house in the summer.
Here is the other side of the house with the unfinished windows that are installed and hopefully insulated.  One of them is the washroom window which we will have to frost or get to know our neighbors a lot better!

The only thing that I did today was to fix the kitchen door latch which was coming off from the wall.  Two new longer screws did the job and it works much better.


  1. It looks great love...I can't wait to come home and see the windows in person.

  2. Get back to work and enjoy it instead of sitting here breaking up fights between the kids.... I have a headache!


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