Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Sorry I have been really slack in posting for the past couple weeks due to trying to find work.  There are other things going on but we will update you shortly when we have more information. 

I did manage to make it out to Soupfest which was cool but I wish there was a way to buy more tickets to try even more of the offerings.  For $10 I got to try 4 sample sizes which was good value but not super.

Here is my pic of the event.

I had to go alone which was a shame as it was difficult to navigate my way to the bread area and also find a good place to sit and eat. 

We went to Toronto two weeks ago to visit friends but prior to that stopped at a grocery store.  RC saw a jar and said "I can't believe they found a way to bottle you!"  Of course I was expecting to see perhaps the World's Greatest Honey or something nice.  This is what I saw instead....


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